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The National Bank of Egypt pumps 500 million dollars to update the technological structure within 6 years

أموال الغدشارك

Books - Mustafa Mahmoud, Fatima Nashat and Hajar Barakat:

البنك الأهلي المصري يضخ 500 مليون دولار لتحديث البنية التكنولوجية خلال 6 سنوات

Yahya Aboul Fotouh, Vice -Chairman of the National Bank of Egypt, said that the National Bank spent about 500 million dollars to update the technological structure within 6 years.

He added during the first session of the Financial Technology Conference entitled "Financial Technology and Digital Transformation as a key to the transfer to the new republic", that the bank attracted about 280 billion pounds in the proceeds of the 15% certificates, which was presented during the last period, of which 70% were carried out through electronic means, includingIt confirms that financial technology has become a lifestyle.

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البنك الأهلي المصريالبنية التكنولوجياالتحول الرقمييحيي أبو الفتوجشارك