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The easiest way to update the mobile number in my health and how to modify the data

The recent searches in the Kingdom have increased the way to update the mobile number in my health, so this application was launched by the Saudi Ministry of Health because of its desire to manage the Corona crisis, and the application is done by inquiring about a mobile number and other data in the application, and here through our website we will show you all the details inThe following lines are about the steps to update the mobile number in my health.

Update the mobile number in my health

The easiest way to change the mobile number in my health application

Modify my health data

My health platform recovery password

Link to my health application, login

My health phone number

  1. التواصل عبر رقم الدعم الفني لتطبيق صحتي يتم من خلال الاتصال على رقم 937.
  2. التواصل عبر البريد الإلكتروني يتم من خلال: مراسلتهم على: 937@moh.gov.sa.
شاركFacebookMessengerWhatsAppTwitterنسخ الرابط الوسومأسهل طريقة لتغيير رقم الجوالUpdate the mobile number in my healthModify my health dataLink to my health application, loginMy health platform recovery password


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