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We trust we learn with caution .. Our trust allows the leaders of educational facilities to know health conditions

We trust we learn with caution .. Our trust allows the leaders of educational facilities to know health conditions. Welcome to you today. We will talk today about an important topic and we will make sure that this article is comprehensive and comprehensive for what you are looking for.

We learn cautious about the new services provided by our electronic confidence system to learn about the health status of school employees and students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where the principal can take some steps to get to know them.The health status of students and teachers.We have trusted the web and the means to know the health status of the school employees we trust.

مقالات ذات صلة

Trust us, we learn with caution

The government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in cooperation with the Saudi Organization for data and artificial intelligence, launched the application of our trust to deal with the new Corona virus.My school platform and to ensure the health status of students in order to allow them to enter the study and learning center naturally according to certain procedures set by the Ministry of Health in the Kingdom.

توكلنا ويب نتعلم بحذر .. توكلنا يتيح لقادة المنشآت التعليمية معرفة الحالات الصحية

Knowing vaccinations for school employees and students trust us

The principal can identify people who are immune from school staff and students in our confidence through our dependence on the web, not the mobile phone application, by doing the following:

Steps to registration in our trust

In the absence of an account for the president of the institution in the application of our trust, he must register there to clarify the health status of the registrar and allow him to enter public institutions at the same time inside the Kingdom. The registration steps are as follows:

  • تأكيد كلمة السر.
  • اختر مكان الإقامة.
  • أجب عن الأسئلة الصحية في التطبيق.
  • تحديد المرؤوسين ، إن أمكن.
  • انقر فوق ابدأ لاستخدام الحساب المسجل في توكلنا.
  • Entry is recorded

    You can contact our Tawakkol application for different application services.How to contact us as follows:

    Block mobile phones in schools and monitor the health status of our website

    The Saudi Ministry of Education had announced earlier the possibility of using smartphones temporarily during the first school week to prepare for them, but later the Ministry made a decision to prohibit the use of mobile phones permanently in schools, and a commitment to monitor the health status.One of the school's employees and students thanks to our confidence in the web with a service that we learn with caution, in order to avoid the launch periods of the year, it was a temporary measure to prepare and prepare to enter the school.

    Link to our Tawakkol

    It is possible to access the website of Tawakkol on the Internet and benefit directly from the electronic services to trust us, which has become very important at that time, then log in to the application in the personal account on our trust.

    At this stage, we became aware of the web service.We carefully inquire from the application of our trust in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to verify the health status of school and students, and also learned how to register for the service.And enjoy it.

    Finally, we hope that we have fulfilled the topic of “We trust us, we learn with caution .. Our trust allows the leaders of educational facilities to know the health conditions.”

    الوسومالتعليمية الحالات الصحية المنشآت بحذر توكلنا لقادة معرفة نتعلم ويب يتيح