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Steps to solve and fix Apple Pay breakdowns on your phone

Now you can use your iPhone not only to make calls, take pictures and send text messages, but you can also charge your credit account automatically, as the Apple giant provides Apple Pay, which is an electronic portfolio that provides a fast and safe wayTo pay without touching and conducting online purchases in general and inside the store

Apple Pay breakdown methods:

وعادة ما تشهد خدمة Apple Pay اعطال، الامر الذي يجعلك غير قادر على اتمام عمليات الشراء الالكترونية، وهناك طرق عديدة التي يمكنك بها اكتشاف الخلل وإصلاحه على هاتفك، والتي نرصدها لكم خلال السطور القادمة لحل تلك المشكلة نهائيا:

Handing the card manually:

Run your iPhone:

You should try to restart your iPhone, and this leads to the reassurance of your phone memory and the cache, which can solve this problem

خطوات حل اعطال Apple Pay وإصلاحه على هاتفك

Check the status of the Apple Pay system:

Make sure your phone is connected to the Internet if you are still unable to use Apple Pay

Contact Apple's Apple customers:

Contact customer support, you may have a problem with the device in case none of the previous steps to solve the problem

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