• 26 Aug 22
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Solve the problem of not responding to the print order


table of contents

حل مشكلة عدم استجابة الطابعة لأمر الطباعة

Solve the problem of not responding to the printer order, to be sure of the presence of paper in the printer and to ensure that the ink cartridges are not empty and verify that the USB cable is connected to the energy source and also make sure the printer connects to the Wi -Fi network, and you can separate the printer and any devices connected to it and then we doRestart everything again.

What is the printer

What are the types of printers

The printers are divided into two categories

There are other types of printers

Solve the problem of not responding to printing order

The best solutions to the problem of not responded

Things to check before printing

There are things that you must review before printing to be able to print properly, as follows:

إقرأ أيضا:اين تقع مرمريس في تركيا

Quick solutions, explore errors and repair printers

Steps to solve the printer problem

Sometimes during the work, the printer does not respond to the print order due to the presence of a malfunction that may be caused by a group of reasons such as good drivers or problems with compatibility and others..

إقرأ أيضا:اسماء اهم اثار مصر الفرعونية بالتفصيل أفضل الحلول لمشكلة الطابعاتاستكشاف الأخطاء للطابعاتالأشياء التي يجب التحقق منهاThe printers are divided into two categoriesSteps to solve the printer problemWhat are the types of printersWhat is the printerمشكلة عدم استجابة الطابعات