• 14 Jun 22
  • smartwatchesss

"Reef" shows the steps for modifying the mobile number for the beneficiaries

The Reef program shows that supporters can adjust their mobile phone number by following several steps, as this explanation came from Reef Program, one of our short page users on Twitter, I want to change the number but I do not know how, and then return the official account of ReV via Twitter, announcing the possibilityChange the mobile phone number for support providers, and thus the program works to respond to all support users from all categories.

“ريف” يوضح خطوات تعديل رقم الجوال للمستفيدين

Steps to change the mobile number in the ReV program

The program specifically describes 4 steps to change the user's mobile number, as follows:-

How to verify the project to the Reef program support applications

The countryside program shows the nature of projects that support applicants and whether they should receive support from the program, as well as the possibility of entering the mobile number for the permanent inquiry about the permanent due from the countryside program in various parts of the KingdomFits all users.

Conditions for joining the countryside program

As for the requirements for joining the Reef program, the following:-



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