• 30 Jul 22
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Baby raising: How does electronic devices screen affect our children?

Many families resort to cartoon films and electronic games as a means of entertainment, as a source of knowledge, or even as a tool to distract their children, but families by doing this make a big mistake, according to the Health Organization.What are the limits that should not be overcome?

While many studies indicate the increasing number of hours that children spend in using their mobile phones and other electronic devices, the World Health Organization has issued a set of instructions in which the time periods that the family can allow for children to be allowed to be exposed to electronic screens, while emphasizing the need not to exceed them due to the potential risksSo on their mental growth they have.

According to the World Health Organization, children should not be allowed to watch any content on electronic devices screens during their first year, and allow them in the narrowest of the limits during their second year..As for children between the ages of two and four, their exposure periods should not exceed more than one hour during the day..

The organization also stressed the need for children under five years to muscle activity with a sufficient amount of sleep, providing the opportunity to adopt healthy habits later during adolescence and adulthood..

Child growth experts believe that learning the language and acquiring social skills by interacting with family members and friends is considered one of the most important mental tasks during childhood, but many families depend on electronic devices to do this role.Where the Komnen Sense Media, related to studying the effect of technology and modern entertainment on children, confirms that 42% of children who are not more than 8 years old are allowed to acquire their own devices..

While the researchers are still working on a study that raised the exposure to electronic screens on mental growth in children, the World Health Organization’s instructions have been welcomed by many of the importance of an organized endeavor to draw the attention of everyone around the world to the dangers of dependence on technology mainly in raising and educating children.

Impact on children's behavior

Scientific studies have always spoken of health damages to the use of modern technology on children, but with the increase in the use of these devices, scientists have discovered that they affect children's behaviors as well, which warned of a recent German study..

A recent German study warned of children's use of smartphones and tablets, as it may cause great harm to the child's behavior.The study, conducted at the German University of Leipzg, showed that these devices lead to excessive activity and a feeling of indifference in children between the ages of the second and the sixth year..

The study said that the use of mobile phones increased dramatically from 2011 to 2016, which was associated with more behavior problems, hyperactivity, lack of attention and follow -up..On the other hand, the researchers emphasized that the excessive use of modern technological means, especially in the pre -school stage, leads to disturbances in family relationships..

In the context of the same study, the researchers studied 527 German children, taking into account several factors, including the child's age, the stage of study, type, and social and economic situation.The studyists used parents who provided information about their children's use of electronic means, and how they deal and their behaviors for a full year..

The researchers concluded that children who used smartphones, computers and tablets (tablet computer) on a daily basis were exaggerated, in addition to their indifference and indifference to what is happening around them.The researchers also found that children who used these modern means were exposed to difficulties and problems in dealing with other children.

The researchers advise not to use children under the age of three years for tablets or smartphones. As for older children, they should not be used for more than 30 minutes a day, according to the study..

The key to mental illness

Modern technology "mobile phones and iPad" and others have a fundamental change in the lives of children, which helped to introvertedness, isolation and cause some mental illnesses as a result of children's addiction to them away from following and monitoring parents for them, although this modern technology has turned life towards the easiest by eliminatingThings and needs faster, but they created a big gap between people on the ground, and this is what is noticed in the same house, so we see every family member holding his personal phone and making for himself his own world.

The normal situation of the child is playing or watching animation, but what we see today is the exact opposite, as the child is related to the "iPad", and we have seen our children more ingenious than us in dealing with these devices with the applications they contain.

In this context, mental health professionals believe that parents are the primary catalyst for their children's addiction to modern technological means such as "iPad" and electronic devices and games, as they themselves are busy all the time with these devices and social media, in addition to that some schools provide study and present some textbooks across"IPad".

And that these means are a two -way currency with the beneficial and harmful faces, noting that the good face in it lies in providing the child with abundant information as it opens his perceptions and connects him to the world around him and makes him familiar with the events and newlyAnd awareness through visual and audio interaction and educational programs on the World Wide Web.

And that these devices develop the child's ability to analyze information and improve awareness, awareness and think better, and create a culture of scientific and creative research.

But the child who spends a long time with the "iPad" becomes an ineffective in the family, as he does not share it and does not interact with it, and thus his relationship with the concept of the family weakens, pointing out that the child like the white page acquires what is written in it, so what they see on this must be monitoredThe devices are not allowed to enter some social media sites such as "Snapchat", for example, as they do not have the experience that qualifies them to distinguish between good and bad, which may make them vulnerable to blackmail or exploitation of all kinds.

Benefits and caveats

A sane person does not deny that smartphones are now playing a major role in people's lives, as it has become a means of social communication, entertainment and knowledge, and as a result of which it has become remarkably spread among children and adolescents, and the period they spent with these devices increased, which prompted many specialists and matters to be a bellThe danger is one of the negative effects that may result in this use, required to legalize it.

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Educators and social experts do not hide their support for the codified use of these phones, and they talk about the benefits of this, except that they warn at the same time of excessive use of it, and its negative effects on the child's psychological and social composition, all the way to causing mental illnesses and even organic diseases.

Independence, and a study conducted by the Japanese Foundation specialized in this type of studies reveals that the last survey conducted in 2011 on children between the ages of 8 and 18 years, and parents in five countries (Japan, Egypt, India, Chile and Paraguay) showed that 70% of the children included in the study ownedMobile phones independent of their families.

It also showed that the income of families and their social level has nothing to do with children with smartphones, and that what children use most of phones are cameras by 51%, the music player is 44%, and video films are 26%, and that children use applications and functions of these phones by much higher than their parents.

On the relationship of the Internet with these phones, the study showed that 40% of children use it through their phones at least once a day, and the most used by children are social networks by 73%, which are much higher than their parents whose use rate is to enter these networks.Only 43%.

The study concluded that there is a direct relationship between the use of smart phones and the anxiety of their parents, as it showed that between 70% and 80% of parents feel constantly concerned about their children's use of smartphones, either in terms of excessive use, content or costs of this use.

How do modern devices affect children's sleep?

In the modern era, the use of electronic devices is no longer a monopoly on adults only, but these devices extended to the world of children even without the knowledge of their parents.It often affects the child's mental and physical health, in this context, writer Christina Rodakova - in a report published by the Russian FB website - reviewed the effects of modern devices on the quality of children's sleep.

According to the writer, many electronic devices have become an integral part of children's lives.Parents have expressed their concerns and concern for excessive use of these devices by their children.Some also wonder about the impact of electronics on the child's mental and physical health.

Children's use of smartphones and digital devices for a long time before they go to sleep negatively affects the quality of sleep, and reduces the number of hours designated for sleep, and in this context, many parents have referred their concerns about the negative effects to the blue rays that emit from electronic devices screens..

The writer - based on the results of a set of research - stated that blue light impedes the process of stattunin, which causes insomnia and negatively affects the quality of sleep, and said that many giant technology companies - such as Apple, Facebook and Google - have provided control panels that allow electronic devices usersBy monitoring and controlling the number of hours they spend in front of electronic devices screens.

It is reported that the leaders of the world famous technology companies have forbidden their children from using electronic devices.Ibn Steve Jobs was prevented from using the iPad, and Bill Gates was deprived of his children from using the mobile phone until they reach a certain age.

The writer said that the current director of Apple stated that he would not allow his nephew to create accounts on social media, therefore, it is necessary to stop using these devices before going to sleep and replacing them with some useful habits such as walking or reading a book.

Effective ways to protect children from electronic devices addiction

Now we reveal some tips that will facilitate your child's departure from these modern things in most of his day.

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The number of maximum hours in which the child is allowed to watch TV or to play electronic games, according to his age, can be determined. Scientific studies have confirmed that it is not permissible for the child smaller than 18 months to be exposed to such modern devices completely.

At a time when a child between the second and the fifth can use these devices for only one hour per day, including watching TV and playing games as well, while it is advised to let the older children play such games for no more than two hours per day, to ensure thatThey were negatively affected by it.

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Objective or prevention only, will not be a completely perfect solution, but will pave the way for a lot of inconsistent conflicts, the best is to create other alternatives for your child in order to reduce times of exposure to these devices without his anger, so it is advised to accommodate the child from an early age to practice some entertainment sports, such as swimmingHunting, or strengthening his technical skills such as drawing and sculpture.

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It is not self -evident that you commit your child to stay away from the use of electronic devices, and you use them all the time, but rather to appear in front of him as an example in order to imitate what you practice daily, so going out as one family without using electronic devices throughout the trip, it will be better like providing your child to persuade him of your idea.


Your child must know that modern devices and the Internet are not only for entertainment, but through which you can reap several and varied information, with a lot of pleasure as well, and not less than the pleasure of playing, which is done by sharing times of use.

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The child must remain under observation and observation while browsing the Internet, and until he is nine years old, and it must be completely prevented from playing games full of violence and blood, which only stimulates negative energies, from childhood.


Determine specific places such as the bedroom, and times of eating periods, so that they are not allowed to use these devices, are a very smart trick, to get your child not to use more electronic devices for long times, and it is better to not put a computer or any other device in the bedroomcompletely.

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It is advised not to involve your child on social media, before he reaches 12 years of age, while it becomes required in adolescence years that require showing his personality for everyone around him, then it is preferable that these famous sites not share with him, until he feels his full freedom and independence through it, it is an orderVery required in this age.


At a time when you can let your child deal alone with the Internet, you have to warn him of several things and learn how to deal with it as well, such as the best way to respond to the bullying of others against him on social media, and how to protect his privacy with it, while informing him that everything he says onlineIt remains forever and cannot be changed, so that he is keen not to utter wrong things on the web never.

The rules that must be followed:

- It is possible to prevent children from using smartphones and tablets while eating or while sitting and talking to parents or friends.

Parents must specify for their children the time allowed to use computers or phone.

- The child must understand that the phone is a special thing that should not be used without obtaining permission.

- The teenager should understand that the smartphone is a way to communicate with family and friends, not a way to waste time.

Accordingly, the electronic devices, with the technological games that carry, became a common matter among all children, until some have reached a stage of addiction if it is permissible to speak, which is the thing that raises concern for many parents, as well as doctors who often warned of some risks when attachedWith such devices or games.