• 18 Oct 22
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School education «Online» confuse students and double responsibilities for parents

The Kofid 19 pandemic pushed the schools to suddenly shift towards the distance education system for the various stages, and the challenges of the study "Online" faced basic education students more than the university for many reasons, the most important of which is the age and nature stage, which affected the level of achievement, according to parents, where they demanded the return of direct educationIn all schools with a tight and accurate application of precautionary and preventive procedures, stressing that the level of achievement and motivation among students is in a decrease in what warns of educational outputs below the level.

While Terboon confirmed the ability of schools to meet the expectations of parents, focus on developing infrastructure, training the educational staff, preparing students and their families for the new experience and spreading a culture of different education patterns that the pandemic produced (learning a distance, and a hybrid), others expressed their concerns about the results of progress and academic achievement of students,Pointing out that the virtual classes are not comparable to the semester as a real and attractive environment.

Secondary school students considered that the learning system from a great challenge represented in how to communicate and interact with classes within the educational situation through electronic exams, pointing to the decline in students' motivation towards learning, and the low level of creativity and innovation in the answers of students.

Ziad Shatat, Director of the Continuing improvement Department at the Sharjah Special Education Authority, confirmed that educational practices have evolved significantly at the level of teaching and learning, especially after the group of professional development programs presented by the authority through the Sharjah Academy of Education Platform in cooperation with a selection of local and international expertise houses to support the applicationRemote learning, programs centered on the mechanisms of applying electronic transformation and targeted all educational leaders and teachers at the emirate level.

He pointed to the ability of schools to manage and meet the expectations of the parents and focus on developing infrastructure, training educational staff, preparing students and their families for the new experience and spreading a culture of different education patterns that were produced by the pandem.

And the price of schools in dealing with the crisis, as its readiness, and within a short time, proved that it turned into virtual schools in order to ensure the continuity of learning from a distance.


For its part, Gistin Radwan Saba, Director of the Primary Department at Al -Ittihad School in Al -Muzzar, explained that the move to learn remotely during the "Covid19" pandem.

وقالت: «على الرغم من أن المعلمين في جميع أنحاء العالم لديهم أنماط ومعايير مختلفة للتعلم، إلا أن هناك شيئًا واحدًا يتفقون عليه على ما يبدو أن الكمبيوتر والصفوف الافتراضية لا تضاهي الفصل الدراسي كبيئة حقيقية جاذبة للتعلم، حيث إن أبناءنا يحتاجون التواصل الاجتماعي في بيئة حقيقية وخوض Experiments حياتية مع أقرانهم».

She pointed out that distance learning is a successful option within the continuation of learning despite the difficult circumstances and showed many positive aspects, so it should continue and be developed to build a flexible educational system that supports lifelong learning and is able to adapt to all circumstances, explaining that her school analyzed data to determineThe extent of the impact of the pandemic on the level of students' achievement and academic progress, to alleviate the damage that occurs and its treatment, and the first step was to improve the quality of learning from a distance for students who learn virtually.

The psychological and social specialist Shahinaz Aboul Fotouh confirmed that there are studies conducted by social workers recommending the use of technology to address the poor academic achievement of the student, in addition to modern educational methods such as digital games and virtual platforms to upgrade the student level.

She pointed out that poor academic achievement is more than one type, including a general academic delay related to the amount of intelligence for the student, and the extent of his absorption in general, and a special study delay and it is intended to poor academic achievement in a specific subject such as mathematics or English or Arabic and this type needs efforts from teachersIn improving students' rates by providing promotional and teaching learning strategies to love and interact educational materials with them.


وقال الدكتور ماهر حطاب، مدير المدرسة الأهلية الخيرية في عجمان، إن رفع مستوى الCollection والتقدم الدراسي من الأهداف السامية المقصودة من عملية التعليم والتعلم، وهو معيار حاسم وأساسي لنجاح الحصة الصفية وتميزها، ويلاحظ المتابع لمستوى الCollection والتقدم الدراسي في ظل التعليم عن بُعد أنه يواجه تحديات كبيرة وصعوبات بالغة وذلك لCauses عديدة أهمها غياب الطالب عن عين المعلم وtracking أدائه خلال النشاط التعلمي، إذ يلاحظ انشغال الطلبة غالباً أثناء الحصص الدراسية بأعمال عبثية خارج موضوع الدرس ولا توجد تقنية بديلة تضع الطالب في نفس أجواء التعليم المباشر، ثم إن تباين جودة التقنيات الحديثة من مدرسة لأخرى يجعل مستوى الCollection لدى الطلبة في تفاوت كبير بين المدارس، ولما كان التعلم عن بُعد ليس خياراً بل فرضه واقع «كورونا» فإنه يتحتم علينا أن نطور أساليبنا وStrategies التدريس لدينا وتطوير التقنيات الحديثة التي تضمن تحقيق وتسهيل التواصل بين المتعلمين بعضهم مع بعض ومع المعلم بما يساعد المعلم على ضبط عملية التعلم وtracking كل طالب خلال تعلمه وتقديم التغذية الراجعة له لتحقيق مستويات متقدمة في الأداء.

Nadine Al -Hassan, director of the kindergarten department at Al -Ittihad School for Al -Muzzar, considered the experience of learning from a very important experience for children, despite the many challenges faced by parents, teachers and children, especially in early childhood, but it helps the child to approach more than the future world and adaptationWith technology quickly in a way that is in line with the digital world, especially after the "Corona" pandem.

She stressed the importance of reducing the curriculum for this category and contenting with the development of basic skills that must be accomplished during the school year, and to stay away from traditional educational methods that contribute to making the child uncomfortable and feel bored and make him go to wrong practices, including recording the attendance of classes and leaving them, or being shy and notOpen the camera.

And considered that the teacher is the first responsible for setting the educational plan for the child, and providing instructions and directions to the parents that help to achieve learning outcomes, the teacher is the primary axis in this system.

Wrong application

Many challenges faced by the schools in the shadow of the education system from a distance, says Yasser Sketji, director of Al -Shorouk Private School in Dubai, stressing that they did not stand idly by, as they sought to overcome them directly, setting up systematic and time plans to do so, indicating that the most prominent difficulties were the calendar mechanisms, and the structure. Infrastructure, social isolation (the loss of the human factor in learning) and experience in the electronic field, in addition to the lack of sufficient electronic references for materials related to the Arabic language, while the penetration of websites and the lack of awareness of some parents in e -learning constitute two great challenges, in addition to the wrong application of education policy on After, the application of learning from a distance directly without gradient.

Restore networks

وذكر أنهم أجروا تحديثاً على البنية التحتية على مراحل للحيلولة دون انقطاع الخدمة، إلى جانب توعية الطلبة وذويهم عن طريق برامج توعوية ودورات مختلفة، كل حسب احتياجه ومساعدة الكادر التعليمي بأهمية اختيار الوسيلة الإلكترونية المناسبة للطلبة في كل مرحلة على حدة، وإرشاد وتدريب المعلمين، والعمل على وضع آليات متطورة لعمليات التقويم بحيث تكون ناجحة وفعالة، وتبادل الخبرات محلياً وعالمياً، وتعزيز الإرشاد الاجتماعي عن بُعد، بحيث لا يشعر المتعلم بالisolation مع العمل على Restore networks والمواقع بحماية لتجنب الاختراق.

Rola attributed, Director of Al -Nour International School, confirmed that direct education is the best for the student who was deprived of his presence with his peers and his testing facing challenges with them and the social life in which he interacts and matures through it and the absence of the prestige of the teacher while he was in the class, this life in all its details is deprived of the student, adding thatSome students, in different methods, evade the classes, and a large category that may be better, but in light of laziness tending to neglect more than excellence, work and success.

She stated that, in light of the rest of the pandemic, the hybrid education remains an alternative solution to "online" and despite the surrounding challenges, our goal is to cause a state of balance so that the student feels follow -up from the teacher and stated that the transfer of exams to be a distance increased the student's dependency and his lack of keenness to exert the required effort from him.

The lineage proposes, the student’s return to school with the short time, so that the basic sciences receive what is supported through “Online”, which creates a better quality of teaching and the pathological outputs that follow..

For its part, Randa Al -Karaki, coordinator of the Arabic Language and Islamic Education Department in the secondary school at Westegren International School, said that the learning system from a distance has proven everyone's ability to adapt to crises, despite the challenges, and represents the biggest challenge in the lack of patience for some students to spend long hoursIn front of the computer, while some feel bored or do not have the courage to effectively in the shares and speak in front of teachers or colleagues with confidence.

She stressed the importance of developing successful plans to avoid these matters, such as introducing educational games and competition programs and working within groups and communicating with parents to integrate and motivate students and enhance their passion for materials, through the use of more effective and creative teaching methods.

Mohamed Badawi, head of the Arabic Language Department at the James Fawsers Al -Mizhar School, stressed that learning from a distance, the students lost their friends and many of their school activities and felt a kind of strangeness at the beginning of the matter, but their urge to learn with a more independent perspective.

التعليم المدرسي «أونلاين» إرباك للطلبة ومسؤوليات مضاعفة لأولياء الأمور

He said: «We were keen to prepare the necessary plans to adapt to the new situation between them losing the extent of the students’ readiness, explaining the concerns and challenges that you may face and setting the rules of learning remotely so that students can quickly integrate and ensure that they are involved effectively through slides, videos, thinking activities, programs and educational games..Writing skill

أكد الدكتور فكري النجار من جامعة الشارقة أن الآثار السلبية التي أفرزتها منظومة التعلم عن بعد تتمحور في Writing skill اليدوية، حيث أصبحت الأسئلة موضوعية يجيب عنها الطالب بضغطة زر، مشيراً إلى ضرورة توزع الجهود بين البيت والمدرسة، حيث يقوم المعلمون بتوجيه الطلبة إلى القراءة حول موضوع ما، ثم يكتبون عنه بخط اليد، ويمسحون ما كتبوه ضوئياً، ثم يرسلونه إلى المعلمين لتصحيحه، وتعريف الطلبة بأخطائهم؛ حتى لا يكررونها مستقبلاً، أما الأسرة، فينبغي على الوالدين توجيه أولادهما نحو تلخيص الكتب أو المقالات المناسبة لأعمارهم، أو كتابة قصة أو خاطرة، وما يتطلبه ذلك من مهارات تحسين الخط، والسلامة اللغوية، واستعمال علامات الترقيم.

He called for the promotion of reading among school students through attention to audible reading, and improving the pronunciation of students through the observations of their teachers, and this can be applied remotely, and also pay attention to chanting and poetic and rhetorical domination, as it is necessary for the authors of Arabic language books for the primary stage to control and form texts;Because this helps in raising the linguistic queen in general, stressing the importance of preserving some Arabic texts, and when the skill of reading among students in schools is strengthened, this will help them to write, express and summarize.


اعتبرت جيستين رضوان سابا قيادة نموذج التعلم المختلط الناجح، الذي يضمن الحفاظ على المستويات الأكاديمية للطلاب، أمراً قابلاً للتحقيق إلى حد كبير، حيث يجب توجيه الجهود نحو تصميم المناهج الرئيسية، مع التركيز على إعطاء الأولوية على المعايير الأساسية، مع استخلاص مجموعة مختلفة من الStrategies وطرق التفكير وهذا يتطلب: التركيز على جودة ورفاهية حياة الطلبة والتعلم الاجتماعي والعاطفي، وتنفيذ Strategies تعليمية تراعي أنماط التعلم المختلفة، وتطوير تواصل مستمر وتعزيز الشراكة بين الأسرة والمدرسة مع تقديم تغذية راجعة فعالة، والتأكيد على المواطنة الرقمية، وتطوير التعلم القائم على المشاريع لتعزيز مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين مثل البحث والابتكار، وإجراء جلسات «مجموعات التعليم المصغرة» لإعادة تعليم مهارات القراءة والكتابة الأساسية والحساب.


01 Reconsidering the time of the class and addressing technical problems

02 قياس واقع الCollection الدراسي للطلبة من خلال دراسة عشوائية بين المدارس

03 Reducing the curriculum and only setting basic skills

04 عقد اجتماعات دورية بين المعلم وأولياء الأمور لمناقشة الCollection الدراسي

05 Using interactive digital platforms to encourage reading, writing and calculations

06 Creating innovative ways to attract students and increase their motivation towards learning

07 Effective communication with students through interactive offers, music and kinetic games

أولياء أمور: Collection الطلبة في انخفاض

طالب أولياء أمور بعودة التعليم المباشر في كافة المدارس مع تطبيق محكم ودقيق للإجراءات الاحترازية والوقائية، مؤكدين أن مستوى الCollection والدافعية لدى الطلبة في انخفاض ما ينذر بمخرجات تعليمية دون المستوى.

And they warned against social isolation that the student may live as a result of the e -learning system, noting that the most harmful are students of the lower stages, as some in the first and second grade are unable to learn the alphabetic letters and do not know the basics of reading and writing, considering controlling them at home and following them is hardship that bears the greatest burdenIt has a guardian, which may not be able to follow up as required as a result of his association with work or the weakness of his skills in general.Latifa Mohamed Rashad stressed the importance of the compulsory presence within the school campus, noting that the use of devices made students attached to them and do not want to leave them permanently and the health and psychological damages that follow.


Latifa Rashad pointed out that the guardian should monitor his children permanently and sit with them to ensure that they attend the shares, which causes physical and psychological fatigue, noting that education from a distance lost the students their motivation for education and competition to excel and obtain the highest grades, demanding the return of students to their schools in full protection for the futureFull generation.


ومن جهتها تحدثت فاطمة الحمادي، عن سلبيات التعلم عن بُعد وأهمها ضعف الCollection الدراسي لدى الطلبة، مشيرة إلى عدة Causes أبرزها رتابة النظام وطول فترة الحصص الدراسية وحصر الطالب على مقعد واحد وجهاز واحد في وقت يعتبر طويلاً نوعاً ما ؛ مما يسبب الملل والرتابة للطالب طيلة فترة جلوسه في التعلم عن بُعد.

وقالت: «كل هذه الCauses تؤدي إلى ضعف الCollection الدراسي وخاصة طلبة الثانوية والمرحلة الأساسية الذين يصعب السيطرة على جلوسهم وانضباطهم طوال اليوم الدراسي وخلف الشاشات».Important points

Aisha Sharif Al -Marzouki said that there are some important points that help to make a distance learning successful, which is to provide parents a place and an area in which the student studies, and to ensure that the child took a sufficient amount of sleep so that he is active the next day during a distance learning, as well as preparingLeaves, pens, blackboard, tablet device, and ensure the integrity of the Internet, until the educational process is done correctly.


وأكدت سلمى بن قدور، أن الطلبة فقدوا حماستهم بسبب التعليم عن بُعد واستسهلوا النوم وبات الكسل رديف غالبيتهم، وباتوا أكثر ميلاً للسهر وهدر الوقت، والأخطر طوق الisolation الذي فرض عليهم حتى عن أسرهم ليتقوقعوا خلف الشاشات الصغيرة معظم اليوم، مشيرة إلى أن بعض الطلبة لا يمارسون Writing skill نهائياً، معتقدة أن هذا يعد مؤشراً خطراً باعتبار الكتابة أساس التعليم.

As for Rima Mohamed Batter, she touched on the inability of parents to solve some problems because they lack sufficient experience, wishing life to return to its nature and alleviate the ban on schools, leading to the educational process for its high goal, which is the establishment of a good generation capable of building an integrated society that prevails in cooperation and love.

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