• 25 Aug 22
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How to prove your weight after a diet?

Individuals believe that the diet is limited to one level, which is losing weight, unaware that a diet includes a change in the nature of an individual abuse with foods.The weight loss is one of the diets that the individual resorted to.It may need to adhere to a diet in order to maintain or increase its weight.In various cases, the goal is to obtain an ideal and healthy weight, but a healthy life is not sufficient without exercising and stabilizing weight.

The nutritionist, Joel Farha, indicated that the process of stabilization.This process differs from one individual to another according to an arithmetic process, if the individual weight is normal, there are three directions:

إذا كان يمارس حركة بدنية خفيفة، يعطى المريض بين 25 و30 كيلو كالوري لكل كيلوغرام من وزنه.

إذا كان يقومبحركة عادية، يعطى 35 كيلو الوري لكل كيلوغرام من وزنه.

إذا كاننشيط، فهو بحاجة إلى 40 كيلو كالوري لكل كيلوغرام.

For example: If the individual is practicing a normal movement and weighs 50 kilos, the process of stabilizing his weight with calories is: 35*50 = 1750 kilos/calori daily.

إذاً، إنّعملية تثبيت الوزن ترتبط بنمط الحركة والوزن من أجل حساب مجمل السعرات الحرارية.

كيف تثبت وزنك بعد اتباع نظام غذائي؟

In the same context, Farha pointed out that when the goal is to lose weight, the individual is committed to a calorie -specific diet, in which pastries, potato chips and chocolate are eaten in a lesser amount than he used to eat..

The aim of this procedure is to increase the muscle and the loss of fat.At a time when the amount of muscle in the body increases, it helps in a high metabolism.

وعليه، تحسب الوحدات الحرارية الإجمالية علىالقاعدة التالية: نسبة الحركة + نسبة حرق الجسم دون جهد

And then, add to the diet gradually each period of a certain percentage of the calamity by adding some foods.

During his diet, the individual learns to switch foods in a flexible and smart way, for example:

- كلقبعة خبزتعادل 3 أكواب فشار.

- كل ملعقة صغيرةزيت زيتون توازي ملعقة كبيرة بزر كبير وصغير.

- كلقبعة خبز تعادل كيس شيبس لايت.

Besides, the type of exercise is different, so the cardio exercises are replaced by another blood circulation, such as walking between 15 and 20 minutes, and focus on strengthening the muscles through weightlifting exercises to increase the muscle mass and maintain the shape of the body.