How to overcome stress quickly and in a simple way?
Tension usually fades when high -pressure situations are resolved, but how can you overcome stress quickly?.
It is natural that you feel tension from time to time as a result of problems related to work, financial affairs, health and relationships, but it is not normal for tension to affect your life regularly.Nearly a third of adults feel tension for 10 days or more per month.
The "Express" website spoke with Dr. Noel Young, the assistant of the clinical innovation, Thriva, to know how to overcome tension (and why your head immersed in ice water is the best way), according to the "Russia Today" website reported.
مقالات ذات صلةHow to overcome stress
Determining the cause of tension is the first step to manage it.Sometimes there is one cause of tension, but at other times it is caused by "small pressure accumulation", according to the Mind Charity Health Society.
In general, feelings of tension usually result from things that occur in your life and include:
• Exposure to severe pressure.
• Facing major changes.
• Anxiety about something.
• The lack of significant control or any control over the outcome of the situation.
• There is not enough work or activities or change in your life.
• Understanding times.
Once your causes are selected and try to address them, you may find that tension has decreased significantly.
There is not a lot of things that can quickly fix tension - the treatment of the problem is usually related to the development of flexibility and your time management or reactions to difficult situations in a way that removes pressure from you.
However, experts found that immersing your head in iced water could relieve stress almost immediately.
Dr. Young recommends this every day when you wash your teeth with brush in the morning.
To understand why ice water helps you to overcome stress, you have to understand what is happening physically when you are tense.
Tension and anxiety stimulate the synthetic nervous system, and this increases the heart rate.
Reducing the heart rate can help provide comfort from these sensations associated with tension and anxiety.
Dip your head in iced water can help reduce your heart rate when you feel nervous.
More specifically, your face contact with cold water stimulates the three -twin nerve that leads to the reaction of mammal diving.
"He does this by sending signals to the brain trunk, which in turn stimulates the vague nerve, which is the main nerve of the sample nervous system - which slows the heart rate.Meanwhile, the brain stem sends signals to the blood vessels in your ends to contract, which increases blood pressure.This reaction that allows you to adapt to underwater presence - slow heart rate maintains oxygen levels, and transform blood from your limbs means that your brain and organs get more blood flow..
"All you have to do is take a moderate breath, fix it and immerse your face in the water for 20 to 30 seconds.Your heart rate will slow within 10 to 30 seconds of holding your breath, and if you inhale very deeply, it may take longer. ”.
It is worth noting that the water should not be iced, just cool than the surrounding air.So, 10-20 ° C is a good temperature that you must target.
The doctor also warned people with low heart rate (slow heart) or other basic health conditions to consult with their doctor before trying to do so or avoid doing so completely..