How to make Al Hawawshi in a way of time components and ingredients, such as stores
How to make Hawawshi in a time.Where many search for the way Al Hawawshi works in a distinctive and delicious way.Al -Hawawshi is one of the traditional foods that many in Egypt and many Arab countries prefer.The methods of preparing the foods are varied with minced meat, whether by stuffing the loaves of live with minced meat or preparing it using the dough stuffed with meat.We will publish all ingredients and ingredients so that the house can make the Hawawshi exactly like the stores that are in restaurants.How to make the original crepe cabin shops easily and with only 3 components
How to make Hawawshi in the easiest possible way at home, such as time
During this article, we will present to you a way to make Al -Jawashi in a time of time
First, a kilo of flour -secondly, a quantity of salt, pepper and thyme -third immediate yeast -fourth quarter cup of oil -as for the fifth minced meat, according to the quantity -sixth onion is a great link.Likewise, seventh pepper.- Ninth meat spices.-As a matter of tenth of a nutmeg.- And you have to attend a spoon of sugar.Steps to blossom of Hawawshi dough in the easiest possible way at home and without effort.1- Sift the flour well and add a tablespoon of sugar, salt and a little instant yeast of the mixture.The mixture is kneaded until mixed with a quarter cup of oil until the dough becomes easy.
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2- The dough is covered and placed in a warm place until brewing.This will require less than half an hour due to the use of instant yeast in dough.
3- Cut the dough into balls according to the number of loaves of Hawoushi and leave for another quarter of an hour before the individual process and put the filling on it.
Preparing Al Hawawshi Filling:
1- Book the onion for relatively small pieces.In addition to salt, pepper and the rest of the spices with the skin of a doctor's nut to add a smart smell to the filling and cut the sweet or hot turkey into small pieces.Then knead the ingredients with minced meat in a bowl in preparation for the filling process.
2- Add an appropriate amount of meat and spices mixture on the chopped dough on a flour-sprayed surface.The ends of the dough are also closed on the filling from all directions.Also, holes are made in the loaf using a fork.
3- The loave is stacked in a tray painted with oil.The tray is placed in the oven until it is tender and the color of the Hawoushi dough turns into a golden color.
4- Before the dough is cooked in the oven, the loaves are raised with a little oil on both sides to give it a golden color and the ripening is completely ripe.
5- After the ripeness of the hawawshi loaves, it is cut using a knife and served hot.
Why do I like Hawawshi as a major meal?
Otherwise, it's delicious, it is really great for two main reasons: 1.It is prepared in about 30 minutes and 2.You can make it forward, put it in the freezer and cook it when you are ready, which leads to a significant decrease in this time.Ideal dinner throughout the week!The spice mix is important in this recipe, which gives it the quality of "Hawawshi", but if you cannot find 7 ready spices you can make yourself!Just use equal amounts of ground spices, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, cumin and coriander and set taste (I always love a little additional cinnamon).
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