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Method of logging in a countryside support program link for productive families Reef.gov.sa terms and mechanism to apply for rural support

How to register for the rural support program for productive families and housewives.Gov.SA to take advantage of the Governmental rural support platform and the mechanism of application and acceptance according to a real feasibility study and when - the disbursement of rural aid support and the date of the descent of the support set by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture for the conditions for registration and acceptance in the program, and the goals of the rural program for all regions of the Kingdom, in particular regions of high relative importance, And the ministry aims to sustain rural development, and there are two types of support, which are supporting materials, in addition to technical support, and we will review through this report to answer all questions.It is presented by those who want to register for the program.

Link to how to contact the coral reef support program for productive families: Reef.Gov.bad


We start first by answering the question. What is the date for the disbursement of rural aid and the dates of the descent of rural aid from the Government 1443?Where rural aid is spent and descended in the first ten days of each birth.Month.The exchange begins on the first day of the Gregorian month until the tenth day.As for the questions, we will answer them through this report, and in particular:

When will rural assistance decrease after registration and scheduling of rural aid 1443

كما ذكرنا سابقاً في أعلى هذا التقرير ، فإن صرف ونزول الدعم الريفي يتم في غضون 10 أيام من بداية كلMonth ميلادي ، ولهذا لم يسجل في برنامج الدعم الريفي وفق آلية ذلك.I am together the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture and those who meet the conditions of the REF Support platform, where registration and submission are electronically on the rural support portal for productive families, registration and attachment of documents and documents required, and the request is decided within sixty days to complete the submission of the listing on the countryside platform.

طريقة تسجيل دخول رابط برنامج دعم ريف للأسر المنتجة reef.Gov.bad شروط وألية التقديم على الدعم الريفي

The date for the disbursement of a countryside program for this month

يختلف تاريخ صرف المساعدات الريفية من متلقي إلى آخر ، حيث أن إيداعات برنامج Reef تقدم مساعدات للمستفيدين في حساباتهم المصرفية ، ويكون الصرفMonthيًا خلال الأيام العشرة الأولى من كلMonth ميلادي.Support of productive families or housewives is a non -financial assistance.This payable financial aid, contrary to what has been reported, is payable loans, and the Reef program has confirmed that support is a financial assistance granted to farmers, with the aim of achieving the sustainability of goals.Development in rural areas.

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Online countryside platform

Tweets from Reefbadudi

With regard to the mechanism for accepting the registration application for the Reef Support program, after registration, the application review stages begin by a special committee, and this committee studies the project submitted by the applicant Reefs Program, and the application for acceptance of the application.For rural support, it occurs within a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of the application.

Registration in the Governmental rural support program for producing families Reef.Gov.bad


It should be noted that the e -Government portal for the rural support program is responsible for supporting many rural professions from small farmers, fishing and livestock, where it is possible to register in the Récif program to benefit from financial and technical support.The support provided by the Rural Arabia platform, by increasing the productivity and quality of the products, which improves the living conditions of the program beneficiaries.

What is the countryside support for productive families?

The rural support program has set rules and controls for the disbursement of aid for those whose eligibility and entitlement have been proven to help.The program also specified the number of support programs for each beneficiary with a maximum of three programs.The program also set a financial ceiling for each program with a maximum of 54,000 riyals, and this is done according to the following:

The sectors supported by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

How to register with rural support for housewives and productive families


Reef program for the requirements for registration for the unemployed


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The Reef Support Platform portal is the ability to register and learn about the requirements and checks to apply for the Reef program to facilitate obtaining direct financial support, in addition to technical support provided by the Saudi Ministry of Water, Environment and Agriculture, to help you move forward with your project.The REEF platform also provided a communication service with the technical support of the program by phone No. 19030 or through the official page of the program on Twitter.

National platform for productive families and issuing an independent document


لذلك قدمنا ​​لك إجابات على العديد من الأسئلة والاستفسارات للراغبين في الانضمام إلى مخطط الحكومة لدعم الريفكما يسعدنا تلقي المزيد من استفساراتكم وأسئلتكم بخصوص برنامج الدعم الريفي الحكومي ، وسنعمل جاهدين للإجابة على جميع الأسئلة بمعلومات موثقة وصحيحة من مصادرها الرسمية ، ويمكنك التواصل معنا من خلال كتابة تعليق تحت هذا التقرير ..



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