• 01 Jun 22
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Ways to Fix the Slowness of the Google chrome Browser

Google Krom is one of the fastest-performing browsers, but sometimes problems appear suddenly, such as the slow downloading of web pages.

If you have this problem, there are several ways to fix it:

Test your speed of connection to the Internet.

In order to make sure there is no problem with the computer, you can turn on the other browsers. And if you notice that they work well, it is likely that the problem is one of Google ’ s own browser or Internet connectivity.

To solve that, turn other browsers on any other device connected to the Internet itself, and if you see the problem of slowness itself, there is a problem with Internet connectivity.

It is possible to try to restart the router to see if it improves performance. And you can always run a speed check to check your internet speed.

Read also: Activate the password check on Google chrome

Check the browser on Google chrome.

= Productivity = Refinement improves productivity. But fixing a lot of them could have the opposite effect. This is because active alarms use system resources that can slow the browser's performance.

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And you have to check the curtains installed in the browser and remove the ones you rarely use.

Disable the Google Chrome Acceleration Profile

When the advantage of accelerating devices is running. High processing tasks such as operating video games use a graphics processing unit to reduce the workload of the CPU.

As a result, the Central Processing Unit can operate the core functions, while the fee processing unit deals with high processing requirements.

Although in most cases this improves the performance of the Central Processing Unit. However, it may also slow down the Google chrome browser while draining the rider faster.

And if you don't use the browser to play video games, you can turn off the feature, and to do that, follow the following steps:

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Wiping the storage memory and browser log

A temporary storage memory and browser log survey accelerates the Google chrome browser. The accumulation of temporary browser information over time contributes to a lessening of browser performance.

To do so, follow the following steps:

The identification of interim storage memory survey options results in the deletion of any names and passwords. Which requires you to log on to the services again.

Close unused tab marks

Typically, you have to open many tabs in a Google chrome browser simultaneously in order to search via the Internet or verify different sources of a mission.

This leads to the consumption of system resources and the slowness of the browser. Unused tabs to improve browser performance and provide the battery life of the device must be closed at the same time.

Read also: managing the tabs in google chrome browser