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How to change the mobile number in Absher via ATM 2022 - 1443

The method of changing the mobile number in Absher by the ATM is one of the most searching topics on the Internet by citizens and residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;This is due to the use of the mobile number in the registration in Absher, and sometimes the number that was registered in Absher may be lost;This forced its owner to change his mobile number in Absher;So the Ministry of Interior provided this possibility in more than one way within its various services.

You will find in this article

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How to change the mobile number in Absher via the cashier

When you want to change the mobile number registered before on Absher;It is possible to do this via ATM, as follows:

رابط الاستعلام عن موعد قضية وزارة العدل 1443 - 2022

How to change the mobile number in Absher online

The Saudi Ministry of Interior has created another way to change the Absher mobile number, through the Absher platform with the following steps:

مميزات زوج مواطنة سعودية 2022 - 1443 وما هي الأوراق والتصاريح المطلوبة لكل زوج أجنبي

How to change the mobile number in Absher via the cashier 2022 – 1443

Documenting Absher mobile number

The registered mobile number on the most documented should be the owner of its owner with the telecommunications company;Therefore, the Absher system set the electronic documentation feature for the mobile number via Absher, by following the following steps:

هل يحق للموظف الحكومي رفض التكليف وما المقصود بالتكليف 2022 - 1443

The documentation of Absher via the ATM machine for Al -Rajhi Bank

The mobile number can also be documented through the automatic exchange machines of the Rajhi Bank, which is widespread in the Kingdom, as follows:

كيفية عمل وكالة إلكترونية لشخص خارج السعودية 2022 - 1443

Also read: How do I change the mobile number in our trust in 1443-2021

Documenting the mobile number via the banking phone

Another way available to document mobile numbers is how to use a banking phone, and their steps are as follows:

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Using a non -documented mobile number may face the user..

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To solve this problem, the following must be followed:

كيفية عمل وكالة إلكترونية لشخص خارج السعودية 2022 - 1443

Also read: How to inquire about changing the profession with the residence number in Saudi passports 1442-2021

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The method of changing the mobile number in Absher via ATM is an easy way and its steps are simple;As the ATM machines are widespread throughout the Kingdom and it is easy to reach one of the user close to;Which saves him time and effort to complete the process.

About the writer


اعمل كاتبة في بعض المواقع، أُجيد اللغة الإنجليزية والفرنسية والتركية، حاصلة على ليسانس آداب قسم لغة فرنسية، الكتابة بالنسبة لي عالمي الخاص هدفها إيصال المعلومة لدى القارئ بشكل بسيط ومفيد تَجعله في حالة من المُتعة أثناء القراءة.


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