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How do I calculate my points in health security 2022

How do I calculate my points in health security 2022, which is a matter of concern to individuals wishing to apply for all programs and specializations available in the field of health related to providing a safe work environment for medical institutions employees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and through we will look for you in how to calculate the grades in health safety, and manyAnother important information.

How do I calculate my points in health security 2022

The health safety program has been created to provide a safe work environment for all visitors and employees of health care facilities, and the program aims to follow modern work practices by training health service employees in safety and security procedures in accordance with quality standards.This program is considered one of the benefits of the health care industry, in addition to organizing internal security, as it includes the duties of the health official to communicate professionally with patients, visitors and medical institutions employees, in addition to dealing with difficult cases, crises or natural disasters according to the specifications of local and international security and safety authorities (IAHSS).The most important responsibilities of the health official include the following

How do I calculate my points in health security 2022

Specializations available in the Health Security Program

A number of specializations have been announced for admission to the health security program

How to calculate points in health security 1443

  • ستظهر نقاط التقديم وسيتم احتساب 5 نقاط كحد أقصى بالإضافة إلى نقاط المعدل التراكمي حسب أقدمية الخريجين كما هو موضح أدناه
  • سنة الصنعنقاط المكافأة
    2016 وما فوق5

    How to apply for health insurance 1443

    The Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced the opening of registration to join health education courses in cooperation with the Saudi Medical Professions Committee through the application site by following the following steps

  • انقر فوق الزر تسجيل.
  • اذهب إلى صفحة المعلومات الشخصية.
  • اكتب تاريخ ميلادك.
  • إرفاق الرقم القومي الخاص بك.
  • أدخل تفاصيل إقامتك، بما في ذلك
  • حدد اللغات التي يتحدث بها مقدم الطلب. ثم انقر فوق التالي.
  • أجب عن أسئلة قسم الشهادات الأكاديمية بنعم أو لا
  • أشر إلى أعلى إنجاز وهو درجة البكالوريوس وبعدها يجب إدخال بيانات الشهادة ومنها
  • انقر فوق {التالي.
  • أدخل المعلومات المهنية، بما في ذلك
  • الإلمام بالخبرة العملية. ثم انقر فوق التالي.
  • أدخل المعلومات المرئية عن طريق تحميل صورة تمهيدية أو مقطع فيديو لمقدم الطلب، ثم انقر فوق تم.
  • بعد الانتهاء من الخطوات السابقة، ستظهر رسالة لمقدم الطلب تفيد بإمكانية التسجيل في البرامج المتاحة.
  • اذهب إلى صفحة البرنامج.
  • اختيار مسؤول الصحة.
  • انقر فوق تطبيق الآن.
  • يجب تحديد الرغبات.
  • الموافقة على شروط البرنامج.
  • انقر فوق تطبيق الآن.
  • Health security 1443 enrollment conditions

    The authorities concerned with the health security program have approved control and control procedures that applicants must adhere to, which are

    Documents provided for admission to health care

    When applying to participate in medical security programs, the following documents must be submitted

    The mechanism of admission and comparison in health security

    There are some admission and comparison mechanisms in the programs and specializations available in the field of health security, and these mechanisms are offered as shown below

    Link to provide health security 1443

    The following link takes us "from here" to the health protection request page, where you can see all the details related to the conditions for applying for the health protection function, as well as knowing the specializations required to register in health protection, in addition to the results and many other important information that you can get.

    Until we reach the end of the article, how do I calculate my grades in health insurance 1443, where we got acquainted with the method of applying for health insurance, and the conditions for registration in the health insurance program, and we also talked about the admission and comparison mechanism in health security, and we have indicated the representation of health security for the year 1443.
