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How can you improve the Router router speed?

A good guidance device can make a big difference in your internet connection speed, but if you are not now ready to replace the old router with another newer to improve the speed of the Internet, you can improve your device settings for a higher speed.

Here is how to improve Router's speed for internet higher speed:

1- Stop old wireless protocols:

One of the first things you can take into account is to stop old wireless protocols.Where the latest routers that run on the protocol (802.11ac)-or what is known as Wi-Fi 5-provides possibilities that exceed the current offers of Internet service providers.

Although the router may be fast, it is possible that many of your Internet -connected devices use older protocols - such as 802.11g - which leads to the entire network slowing down once any device uses these protocols, so it is better to remove any device that uses B protocols orG from the network.

Here is the arrangement of protocols, from the fastest to the slower:

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2- Change the capacity of the channel:

If the router is slow, change the capacity of the network channel (Channel Width) that you use will help in increasing the speed, and the greater the canal capacity, the older devices - which work on the old protocols - will suffer from overlap.

Rots support two types of wireless waves:

The channel's range capacity controls the extent of the (corridor) available for data transmission.However, the larger channels are likely to be overly overlapping with other devices, and in general the overlap is not considered a 5 GHz problem compared to the 2.4 GHz range.

There are some great tools that help determine whether the Wi-Fi channel should be changed, including the Insider tool that examines the network list, and you choose the channel that no other network uses.

3- New fixed programs:

Many routers reserve the basic settings to save the user constantly set the settings, and although this is a good thing for most users, there are many available tools that help you increase the speed of your router.

There are many open source (firmware) options for some of the most popular routers to make them operate faster, by increasing the extent of Wi -Fi signal, improving the user interface, integration of VPN service, supporting the cache, supporting the NAS category storage, and providing the analysis featureDetailed on the data line and more.

DD-Wrt, OpenWrt, and Tomato are the most common fixtures for external parties.

4- Change the network name and password:

Many people still use the network name and the virtual password on their router.Many routers come with a default SSID name that can bear the name of the brand or model, and if the pirates are known as your router type, it will become easier for them to penetrate it, so the name SSID must be changed immediately, and it must include letters and numbers.

The use of a strong password for the Wi-Fi network is also important, although you may set all settings, update the fixed program, and change the channel, but all of this will not be useful if someone is taking advantage of the Wi-Fi networkYour lack of insurance.

التصنيفات أجهزة محمولة, أخبار الإنترنت, برامج وتطبيقات, عالم الكمبيوتر, منوعات تقنية, نصائح تكنولوجية الوسوم dns, OpenWRT, Router, VPN, الموجات الراديوية, الواي فاي, جهاز التوجيه