Porter of mobile phone slices weakens bilateral authentication via SMS messages
Ahmed Bayouni from the news, you know the "bilateral approval" as a way to verify the identity of the user, which is usually through two consecutive steps, the first step depends on entering the username and password, followed by the second step by sending a random code as a text message to the user's phone by relying on his mobile phone number to make sure From his identity, and this method has become a fixed standard for users to reach their business networks, bank accounts, e -mail and even social networks, but during the recent period these steps are no longer enough or fully safe after the spread of electronic attacks and means of penetration that are not targeted by websites or e -mail systems Rather, it targets the communication segments of the phones known as SIM SWAP.SIM smartphones are no longer safe for infiltrators to implement SIM SWAP attacks on any phone easily and at a low cost by using information and tools available to them in dark internet or malware storeFrom reaching it, besides they seize banking services via the Internet and other accounts, and to penetrate all his accounts dependent on his phone number.The process of recovering the phone number and the acquisition data requires a long time to prove the hacking process for workers in applications, sites and social networks and persuade them that it is the real owner of the phone number and the account..Some companies and sites still do not feel anxious or do not fully understand what may happen to the victims, as the bank cannot know whether the password recovery message or verification of the identity he sent to confirm the user's identity has gone to another person, as the phone number is synonymousFor the user for the bank's electronic system.There are also risks that come by companies providing mobile services, as a large number of low -level employees are allowed to make fundamental changes on people's accounts, and here a question appears related to the extent of confidence granted to each sales representative working in mobile service companies stores and has the authority to make changes onCustomer accounts.The danger associated with the mobile phone number is somewhat cloudy, given that its consequences have a significant impact, but the possibility of its occurrence is still relatively low, and most people refrain from pressing the companies providing mobile services and demanding them to take measures to ensure the protection of phone numbers because of their ignorance of what attacks meanSIM cards exchange and limit them to the technical fields.Bilateral approval is no longer enough and verification applications are the solution.Unfortunately, it is not difficult for thieves to impersonate the user’s personality in front of his mobile phone company and steal his phone number, through a phone call to support customers, for example.The Instagram platform recently witnessed a wave of SIM attacks to a large extent because the platform supports the bilateral authentication that depends on SMS text messages only, so the company confirmed that it is working to update the binary authentication feature, as it does not depend on SMS text messages and does not require the user's phone number, and that is fromWhile working on a safer style, users will allow bilateral approval using safety applications such as Google Authenticator, Duo or Autey, which creates the user protection codes in order to log in to his account and cannot be created on a different phone when a SIM card hacking his phone.The most prominent bilateral authentication applications are the Google Authentical, Aute, 1password and LastPass applications from the most popular authentication applications, along with Microsoft Authenticator, and these applications have been replacing short text messages with a dedicated application so that the application creates a dedicated code of six numbers that are randomly updatedEvery 30 seconds, and it remains constantly coinciding with any service trying to log in from the same phone.The main feature in these applications is that it provides safe and high protection for user accounts because generating verification codes is linked to the presence of a physical device instead of a phone number.Spread it