• 09 Nov 22
  • smartwatchesss

Mobile accessories of the strongest Extra discounts for November

Extra offers mobile accessories for the month of November with discounts on the prices of iPhone, Samsung and Huawei mobile accessories to half of the price, between October 28 to November 13, and you can shop the electronics and buy mobile phones and their accessories on the way to visit the branches closest to you in the Kingdom or by buying productsOnline via Saudi Arabia.

Extra mobile accessories offers

Here are Extra offers on smart watches from Apple, the sixth version, which accepts operation on all iOS smartphones, which are iPhone mobile phones that you find also available in Extra offers for mobile phones, and there are sizes from this 40 mm and also 44 mm, and the most important thing that distinguishes them isThe touch screen in addition to receiving calls and messages through it, and there is also the feature of listening to music.

Extra mobile accessories offers بأقوى تخفيضات اكسترا extra لشهر نوفمبر

Samsung mobile accessories

We offer, but the most powerful Mega Cell discounts on the headphones and smart watches from Samsung, so you get a discount of up to 44% when you buy a Samsung Live -2 Bluetooth speaker, and is available in black and navy colors, and we come to the strongest Extra discounts on Samsung Galaxy Live, which gives you a pure sound fromDuring ANC headphones, you can also make phone calls through them easily as it is characterized by a clear voice, and we move to the Samsung Galaxy PRO headset, equipped with noise cancellation and a three -microphones system to be able to make calls without facing any problems related to the lack of clarity of sound.

Extra offers

Mobile sheets from Extra offers and a battery starting from 10,000 mAIn the following points:

الموارد البشرية تقر مقابل مالي على العمالة المنزلية التي تزيد على 4 عاملين للفردشاركFacebookMessengerWhatsAppTwitterنسخ الرابط الوسوماكسترااكسترا اكسسوارات جوالاكسترا اكسسوارات جوال ايفونSamsung mobile accessoriesاكسترا عروضتخفيضات اكستراExtra offersExtra mobile accessories offers


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