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Enter the Noor system, restore the password or username and set a new password

I forgot the password in the Noor system, restore the password or username a problem facing many users when logging in the Noor system, the guardian or student may be subjected to forgetting the password or username, and therefore he cannot enter and obtain the required service, especially sinceThe Ministry of Education has designed the Noor system in order to facilitate users to obtain services, whether the user is a faculty or the guardian, as the ministry provided many services that enable the guardian to follow the academic level of his students, and extract students ’results with the Noor ID number.

دخول Noor System Restoring Password أو اسم المستخدم وتعيين كلمة مرور جديدة

Noor System Restoring Password

Restore the password in the Noor system or the user name for the registered on the electronic portal of the Noor website, where the Ministry of Education launched the electronic system to save time and effort on those responsible for education affairs in addition to the guardian, and it has allowed all the targets of electronic services to create a personal account;In order to log in the Noor system and apply for services and follow them until the user gets a final decision, but the user may happen and the user may have forgotten the password or the user name may lose, in this case please track the following steps:

  1. انتقل إلى رابط نظام نور الإلكتروني.
  2. انقر على خيار نسيت كلمة المرور أو اسم المستخدم أسفل بيانات الدخول.
  3. ادخل رقم الهوية ورمز التحقق في الحقول التي تتطلب ذلك.
  4. انتقل إلى حقول إعادة تعيين كلمة السر.
  5. سجل رقم الجوال وعنوان البريد الإلكتروني.
  6. اضغط على خيار إرسال.

Student results Nour system

Inquiring about students ’results in the Noor system is one of the most important electronic services provided by the Noor Lolli website and the teacher;Where the teacher can monitor the results of the tests for students in the Noor system, as it allows the guardian to inquire about the results of students with the identity number as soon as they are approved and announce the activation of the Noor system, with the following steps:

  1. الدخول إلى نظام النور الإلكتروني.
  2. العمل على تعبئة حقل اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور.
  3. القيام بتسجيل كود التحقق البشري كما هو.
  4. النقر على تسجيل دخول نظام نور.
  5. الانتقال إلى تبويب النتائج الدراسية ثم تحديد الصف الدراسي للطالب.

After completing the steps to restore the password in the Noor system and set a new password or username, the system is matching the data entered with the data recorded on the system, but in the event that the data does not match, the user goes to the school leader to update the data and take the necessary action.

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