• 30 Oct 22
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Do you support the status of a "contact slice" in your car to reduce its theft?

The technology devices in our time are the basics of implementing work and its necessary ingredients;Due to the time, effort, accuracy and quality of the work, as well as a speed in achieving the results, and based on these positives, several governmental and especially government agencies initiated the employment of technology, including the security authorities, but until this moment, the technology of the "satellite tracking chip device" has not been approved by satellite "!.

Vehicle tracking devices help to know the movement and location of the car if they are stolen, as well as sending alerts through text messages on the mobile when using the car in "Al -Tafih", or when separating the speed counter, as well as following road accidents, and in the event of an accident, a signal is sent viaIndustrial satellites determine the locations and coordinates of the place, which helps the Red Crescent and Civil Defense to go to the site.


"Mutahar Al -Wafi" - a store of a store - said that there are several types of vehicle tracking devices from them; Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Malaysian, and the price of the device ranges from (600-850) riyals, and a monthly subscription in the "Internet" with a value of (40) riyals, so that the owner of the vehicle can enter the company's website on the "Internet" and track the vehicle, adding that the size of the device does not exceed the palm of the hand Its installation in the car needs to install and communicate it with electricity in a period not only exceeding the hour, preparing the features of the vehicle tracking device from it; Determine the speed of the car and follow it directly via satellites on the map, and save its path, as well as send alerts and warnings through text messages on the mobile or on the site's screen, in addition to hearing a sound from inside the vehicle without feeling that, in addition to knowing the total consumption of gasoline and full control On the vehicle, where the engine can be stopped at any time and can run it again.

Slide disrupted

"Mahmoud Al -Banna" - a employee in a car rental store - explained that the vehicle tracking device has been installed in all cars of the office, due to its importance in tracking the car in the event of stealing the car, or when the tenant delayed the delivery of the car in the agreed period in the contract, in addition to The importance of the device in sending signals when using the car in "Al -Tafih", or during an accident, or when the speed counter is separated in order to evade the number of kilometers, indicating that it is not preferable to inform the customer while renting the car with the presence of a vehicle tracking device so that it does not deliberately dismiss it while using it to work Unacceptable to commit a crime or exercise drifting, indicating that it is a defect of the vehicle tracking device that disrupts the slide or stops the device due to its need for electronic update, and not sending messages of alerts on the mobile or the website sometimes, as well as the link of the device slice with the mobile network in which the process of tracking vehicles stops In the absence of the network.

Sites and coordinates

He called "Dr.. عادل بن حمد الزنيدي" -متخصص في المحركات والمركبات بالكلية التقنية- إلى تطبيق نظام يُلزم تركيب جهاز تتبع المركبات في جميع السيارات لمنع السرقة أو الحد منها على الأقل، مضيفاً أن الجهاز لا يمنع السرقة؛ لأن المجرم يستطيع تعطيل النظام بكل يسر وسهولة دون تعطيل كمبيوتر السيارة، ومقترحاً تطبيق نظام التركيب على مراحل، حيث تبدأ بإلزام شركات التأمين في تركيب جهاز تتبع المركبات لمن يرغب في التأمين الشامل على سيارته بشكل اختياري لعامة الناس، ويتم ربطه مع الأجهزة الأمنية، موضحاً أنه عندما يدرك المجتمع أهمية هذا النوع من الأنظمة سوف يسعى الكثير من أصحاب السيارات إلى شراء وتركيب أجهزة التتبع المتوفرة في السوق، لافتاً إلى أن تطبيق نظام تتبع المركبات ليس بالصعب أو المستحيل؛ لأنه مستخدم الآن في كثير من الدول لمتابعة حوادث الطرق، وفي حالة وقوع حادث يرسل إشارة عبر الأقمار الصناعية تحدد Sites and coordinates مكان الحادث لمراكز الهلال الأحمر والدفاع المدني القريبة.

Lack of caution

هل تؤيد وضع «شريحة اتصال» في سيارتك للحدّ من سرقتها؟

He emphasized, "Dr.. فهد علي الطيار" -أستاذ علم الاجتماع والجريمة المساعد بكلية الملك خالد العسكرية- على أن وضع شريحة أمنية لتتبع السيارات من قبل وزارة الداخلية يحارب سرقة السيارات، لكنه لا يمنعها ولا يردعها، إذ أنه من الممكن ابتكار جهاز آخر يعطل فاعلية هذه الشريحة لكي تستمر سرقة السيارات من قبل المجرمين، مضيفاً أن تفكير المجرمين يتفوق على تفكير الضحايا، مُعدداً سلبيات وضع جهاز تتبع المركبات منها؛ أنه يضيف مسؤوليات جديدة إلى الأجهزة الأمنية في البحث عن السيارة المسروقة وبتكلفة مادية، كذلك قد يدفع مالك السيارة إلى الإهمال وLack of caution من سرقة سيارته بسبب اعتماده على هذا الجهاز الذي بدوره قد يزيد من عدد السرقات، إضافةً إلى أنه قد تزداد ظاهرة سرقة السيارة في أيام إجازة الشركات التابعة لها السيارة، ومن ثم إحراقها لعدم تحديد موقعها، مشيراً إلى أن تحديد موقع السيارة قد يتسبب في انتهاك خصوصية الأفراد من خلال تحديد أماكن تواجدهم وسفرهم وتتبعهم لأسباب شخصية.

Security side

وشدّد "نايف عبدالله الحربي" -إعلامي- على ضرورةتركيب جهاز تتبع المركبة عن طريق (gsm & gprs وGPS)، أي شبكة الجوال وشبكة الأقمار الصناعية في وقت واحد؛ للحد من سرقة السيارات خاصةً الجديدة منها، مضيفاً أن الجهاز مهم لسيارات الشركات التجارية التي تنقل البضائع، نظراً لتنقلها من منطقة إلى أخرى وهي تحمل بضائع بآلاف الريالات، مبيناً أن تقنية تتبع المركبات معمول بها في الدول الأوروبية لتفادي السرقات، متسائلاً: لماذا لا يتم الإفادة من تجارب الآخرين لنبدأ من حيث انتهوا؟.

"Saleh bin Jaari" - an educational consultant - indicated that the security aspect is the largest concern among peoples;Because in it life stabilizes and lives and brings out souls, so the worshiper can forget and the worker and the merchant can gain, and life can become beautiful and good, indicating that the role of security is naturally entrusted with governments, as it is charged with him and watching him, stating that putting such security segments to track vehiclesAnd the mechanisms facilitate their follow -up and identify their whereabouts and ease of reason.

Those who see the negativity of the device opposed in terms of restricting freedom and privacy;Because that technique does not reveal a concealment, does not convey an event, and does not have freedom or disruption in secret..


And the opinion of "Abdullah Al -Barqawi" - the media - did not see any justification for the application of the vehicle tracking device to all citizens and residents; Being considered an interference in the privacy, adding that the system makes everyone under observation as if everyone is wanted or criminals or expect them to commit a crime, indicating that there is no objection to those who want it in an optional manner, stating that companies that have a fleet of vehicles can be benefited to track their itinerary, as an angel can Cars install the service to follow the drivers or children, or in anticipation of the car's theft, stressing that the device has benefits whenever it is optional, either in a mandatory manner on all citizens, there is no justification for that, especially since the system is the first allows interference in the privacy of the citizen, and that the application of that will not It has benefits that remember the fact that the required or the criminal to be followed, usually does not take a well -known car or registered in his name.

"Abdulaziz Abdul Rahman Al -Youssef" -a journalist -said: The security control and follow -up are important, and work for this must be surrounded by the procedures and controls established by known and well -known regulations, adding that any procedure to follow up or prosecute the vehicle must be subject to the security justifications included in the Ministry's policy and regulations The Ministry of Interior, considering putting a segment of vehicles without justification and no security justification for a breaking and infringement of the privacy of the citizen, who will be uncomfortable with such a procedure, and that the social reality towards this matter will increase in confusion and controversy over the justification and feasibility of that in light of a climate that may be counted that the citizen does not trust With it, excluding families' use of the tracking device with their driver to follow up, but with certain and acceptable controls.

time saving

"Hamad Abdul Rahman Al -Dossary" - a TV presenter - supported the placement of car tracking slides linked to the security authorities on each car that is extracted from the traffic; To reduce the commission of the crime in society, and so that the vehicle is not used in some criminal acts such as theft, for example, adding that this helps to arrest the perpetrators as soon as possible, while providing the time and effort factor in knowing the location Track customer cars and access and pull the car if the customer fails to pay; Because this is a penetration of privacy, as the system can be applied through the official authorities to retrieve the car.

Citizen Khaled Al -Khudairi said that the car tracking device is necessary in light of the slow interaction sometimes from the relevant authorities in the process of following up the communication for vehicles that are stolen, pointing out that this procedure will enable the owner of the car to cooperate with the relevant authorities to follow his stolen car and know its location through the system (GPS or (GPRS) or other systems, as well as companies and transport institutions can follow drivers and know their geographical move, explaining that the device limits the informal moves of drivers, stating that the device can be linked to operating vehicles by cooperating with all car manufacturers.

جهاز تتبع المركبات يتراوح سعره من (600-850) ريالاً د. فهد الطيار د. عادل الزنيدي عبدالله البرقاوي نايف الحربي حمد الدوسريعبدالعزيز اليوسف صالح بن جعري