• 20 Feb 23
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Do the fifth generation phones causes health damage?

Fifth -generation networks began to run in some UK cities, and questions began with him whether this new technology poses health risks.

Technology is already available in some other countries, such as South Korea, Spain, Switzerland and parts of the United States, to name a few, and technology will extend to other places within the next two years..

What are the concerns, and is there evidence that enhances these fears?

What is different in the fifth generation?

Similar to previous cellular techniques, the fifth generation networks depend on signal signals on radio waves - part of the electromagnetic spectrum - transmitted between the future of the air signal or the air mast, and your phone.

We are surrounded by electromagnetic radiation all the time - from radio and television signals, as well as all technical products, including mobile phones, and natural resources such as sunlight.

Fifth -generation networks use higher frequency waves than previous phone networks, helping more devices to enter the Internet at the same time at a higher speed.

These waves are traveling shorter distances in urban places, and then the fifth generation networks require more transmitted air masts than the previous technologies required, attached to levels closer to the surface of the earth.

What are the concerns?

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The electromagnetic radiation used by all mobile phone technologies has prompted some to anxiety about the increasing health risks, including certain types of cancer.

In 2014, the World Health Organization said that "no harmful health effects have been confirmed that it has caused the use of mobile phones.".

However, the World Health Organization and the International Cancer Research Agency ranked all radiations caused by radio frequencies (including phone signals) as "potential carcinogenic materials".

The organization added: "There was no decisive evidence that exposure to these radiation affects humans with cancer.".

Those who eat pickled vegetables are exposed and use the "talcum" powder to the same level of risk.

While alcoholic beverages and made meat are classified as a higher risk level.

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The 2018 Smith report by the British Ministry of Health, which is cited by expatriates from their fears, concluded that male mice that were exposed to doses higher radiation radio frequencies showed a kind of cancerous tumor in the heart.

In this study, mice bodies were completely exposed to radiation from mobile phones for nine hours a day over two years, starting by their birth.

There was no link between the incidence of cancer and mice that underwent the study.Indeed, the study found that the mice that were exposed to radiation lived longer than their analogues.

One of the prominent researchers in this study said: "It is not possible to compare directly between the exposure operations included in the studies and the mice and exposure that humans experience as a result of the use of cell phones," even for phone users intensively.

"Despite some research suggesting the possibility of cancer risk due to the intense use of mobile phones, the evidence for a causal relationship between them is not convincing enough to take preventive measures," says Frank de Fukht, a consultant for the safe use of mobile phones..

However, a group of scientists and doctors wrote to the European Union to demand the suspension of the publication of the fifth generation phones.

Radio waves are not supplied

The scope of radio waves - used in mobile phone networks - is not secure, which means that it lacks the energy needed to break up the DNA and then cause cell damage, "according to David Robert Grames, a researcher in cancer treatment.

But exposure to the electromagnetic spectrum is higher than the level resulting from the frequencies used in mobile phones, clearly raises fears of health risks.

UV rays enter into this harmful category, and can cause a cancer in the skin.

There are firm guidelines regarding exposure to higher levels of energy radiation, such as Medical X and Gamma rays, which may inherit devastating effects of the human body.

"One of the understanding things is people's fear of developing cancer, but it is important to clarify that radio waves are less effective than the light we start daily," Grames says..

He adds: "There is not enough evidence that phone networks or wireless networks were a reason for health problems.".

Is it should be worried about the fifth generation networks masts?

Fifth generation technology requires more new base stations - these are the air maules that transmit and receive signals to and from phones.

In light of the presence of many vectors, each of them can work with lower energy levels than those that were necessary in the technology.

In addition to the instructions of the British government about the base stations of mobile phones, fields that repeat radio waves in the places that the public can reach are not amounting to the standards..

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Part of the fifth generation spectrum that is permitted by international guidelines falls within the scope of the microwave (fine) waves that send heat in the things that it passes.

However, the effects of high temperature levels in the fifth generation networks (and the preceding phones technologies) are not harmful, according to Professor Redoni Croft, the Consultant of the International Committee for the Prevention of Non -Once upon.

"The highest level of frequency of radio waves can be exposed from the fifth generation, so it was very small, so that the temperature has not been increased so far," Croft says..

The limits of exposure

"Despite the small increase in exposure to radio waves resulting from the emergence of the fifth generation network, the total level of exposure is still low," the UK government says..

The extent of the frequency of the fifth generation signals is still limited to the non -ionized range of the electromagnetic spectrum, and it is still below the level that the ICRC considers harmful to the ICRC.

The World Health Organization says that no indication of health effects was shown due to the exposure to electromagnetic frequencies that are below the levels set by the ICRC.