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Social Security Plerage Developer 1443 Link to qualify and entitlement to SBIS HRSD

The results of the eligibility of the new developer social security will be launched immediately after the completion of the advanced case study, and the ministry has confirmed that the social security situation will be announced gradually for all applicants, and the results of the guarantee are the important matters that applicants wishing to obtain a pension will be searched for within the guarantee supporters support programThe new 1443 After the completion of the application successfully, after the announcement of the developed social security enforcement from mid -November 2021 AD, and the support and social protection platform to which all guarantee services are transferred at the present time receives registration requests for the developed guarantee who meet the conditions for the entitlement to which the entitlement is revealed fromThe ministry’s side, and through the article you can learn about the date of the study study and the date of the descent of the first batch in the bank accounts of the beneficiaries, the method of registration in the developed social security and the official application link via the internet electronically.

The eligibility of social security developer 1443

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has prepared the social security site or the electronic social support and social protection platform to receive applications for new social security via the internet instead of going to the offices, in order to correspond to the new mechanism of the developed system, and submitted its invitation to all categories applied to social security conditions for the necessityRegistration in the program to take advantage of the monetary subsidies provided by the Ministry to those who are entitled.

Since the developed social security system has run out, the Ministry has stopped receiving applications for the warranty through the previous warranty site, where the requests are received through the new developed warranty portal only, and the two platforms are scheduled to work in parallel until the date of May 23, 2022 AD scheduled to close the old platform, and during this time period“6 months” The beneficiaries will be transferred gradually after the reviews are reviewed and studied according to the conditions approved.

أما بالنسبة لمن تقدموا بالتسجيل في برنامج الضمان وأكملوا الملف الموحد بشكل كامل، فيرغبون في معرفة موعد صدور نتائج الأهلية والاستحقاق، وهنا أكدت الوزارة على أنه في حال الانتهاء من تقديم الطلب عبر منصة الدعم والحماية الاجتماعية، فيجب الانتظار ومتابعة حالة الطلب في الضمان عن طريق الدخول إلى المنصة ثم النقر على أيقونة “الطلبات > حالة الطلب”، كما سيصلك إشعاراً باكتمال الطلب أو الحاجة بتقديم معلومات إضافية.

Link to registration for developed guarantee and inquiring the request status 1443

The registration door for the social security beneficiaries support program was opened through the electronic social support and subsidies platform, after all the guarantees were transferred to the new platform, where a new user is registered on the new portal first so that the citizen applied to the conditions of guarantee can apply for the guarantee programThe new social 1443, through this account, the unified file is filled and sent to study.

After completing a successful social security, a text message will be sent successfully, so that the request will be studied and the decision is issued after 20 days from the date of submission, and after that, through the guarantee platform is possible to inquire about admission or inquiries about the eligibility of social security developed 1443 throughLog in to it by following the attached social security site link:

The date for studying the new social security entitlement

The Ministry confirmed the continued application of the previous social security system to all those who are entitled to the registered beneficiaries at the time of the enforcement of the developed social security program for a period of no more than two years, and then the developed system is applied to them and the registration requests are gradually received if the conditions of eligibility and entitlement are applied.

For her part, she explained that a study of the entitlement to all the new applicants will start during the month of December 2021, in order to determine the entitlement of each applicant or not, and in the event that the conditions of eligibility do not apply to the applicant, the concerned authority will notify the applicant that it has not been accepted with mentioningThe reason for refusing to accept in the event of request via the social security site is the electronic developer.

In the event of acceptance, the due is notified through one of the system's communication channels, whether through the unified social security number by sending a text message stating acceptance to join and benefit from the program of supporting the new social security beneficiaries, and it is also possible to log in to your file to review the "request status"And it is available to know the amount of the entitlement before receiving the first pension, and the ministry was confirmed by the following:

The date of the descent of social security developer 1443

Human resources announced that after the applicant finished submitting his request, and the issuance of the results of the entitlement or the result of the eligible social security, after conducting a study study prescribed during December 2021 AD, the first batch of social security will be disbursed in January 2022 AD, and it must be noted that a fixed date for disbursement has been setThe developed guarantee is down, but the dues are scheduled to go down in the month following the issuance of the admission decision by the competent authority.

While the dues are descended to the current beneficiaries according to the old system on the date of the first of each Hijri month, and in the event that the entry to the support platform to see the status of the request and you find that the developed guarantee is "under the audit", this means that the request submitted is currently under study, and after completionFrom evaluation of the case, the entitlement result will be sent by a text message on the mobile phone registered in the developed warranty system 1443.

It is available before the entitlement to submit an objection to the investigation decision or the results of the eligibility within a period of time not exceeding 30 days from the date of informing it of the decision issued by the ministry through the social support and subsidies platform via the internet electronically, and on its part it will consider all the objections submitted in accordance with the rules and procedures of the committee and what is received by itFrom grievances on the eligibility of the new program.

The mechanism of assessing social security developed for those who are entitled

Human resources issue the decision to deserve or not, based on the availability of the conditions for entitlement and eligibility announced in the applicant, and the developed social security is calculated based on a number of factors represented in the number of individuals in the family who live in one residence, and the total of the total income of these individuals is “half incomeThe acquired + the total income is unpainted..

It has been excluded with disabilities and those who obtain support for support programs from calculating their income within the unpredictable income, and then the income and the number of individuals are compared to the new social security limit 1443, where the total income of the minimum level of pension should not be exceeded as a prerequisite for obtaining support and issuance amountsThe decision to accept the guarantee.

After completing the application in the developed social security successfully, the beneficiaries of the developed social security program are evaluated who applied for application and fully fully fill the unified file by passing through four basic stages that can be summed up in the following points:

  1. التأكد من البيانات المسجلة والتحقق منها.
  2. زيارة المسكن بعد إثبات صحة البيانات الأولية.
  3. دراسة حالة المتقدم لمعرفة مدى الاستحقاق.
  4. إبلاغ المتقدم بالقرار النهائي.

How to apply for social security, the new developer 1443

After logging in to the social security support platform, click on a new registration to create an account, in order to be able to apply to the program, then fill the ID number, mobile and birth date and choose a password, then click on a registration, and then the mobile is documented by filling the codeThe sender in a text message on the phone, then enter the identity and password to complete the unified file.

The eligibility of social security developer 1443 رابط استعلام حالة التأهل والاستحقاق sbis hrsd

It should be noted that a message will appear stating that the registration will be completed successfully, and this message confirms the creation of a user in the platform and not the completion of the application, where a new social security registration is started by clicking on the unified file in the main list, then filling out the applicant's personal data, and this data consists ofFrom fixed data that cannot be modified, and another recovered, which are offered by government agencies and are available according to the current status of the applicant.

And new data, which requires completing the application to the developed social security, fully and correctly, then a question is presented about your social condition and from the beneficiaries of the guarantee or those with disabilities, then filling out the bank account number, IBAN, and the Ibian must be in the name of the applicant, then click onSave and next after completing the first box and other boxes to save the entered data, after which the applicant moves to fill housing data as it is written in the national address, and the guarantee can be found through the following video:

Thus, we have finished clarifying the date of the issuance of the new social security, the new developer 1443 and the date of depositing the first batch, and whoever wants to know the barrier of the pension, and the conditions of social security for the employee or the unemployed, can now this, as you can through the article obtain a registration and inquiry linkDeveloped social security and the method of submission in easy steps.

The social security entitlement to the individual 1443

The ministry clarified the entitlement of social security to the acceptable individual in the developed guarantee program, where the qualification is entitled to 1100 riyals in the event that the family of a family or an independent individual is entitled to 550 riyals, and if the family and his family are accepted, the family is calculated and the amount scheduled for the follower is added to the numberHis followers, as the method of calculating social security showed according to the officially approved mechanism based on the number of family members residing in the same residence.

The developed warranty system has confirmed that all individuals residing in one residence are viewed as one family except for the widow and the absolute, provided that there are one or more son, in addition to the student residing outside the city for the purpose of study, and it is required that he accept the link as a follower through the support and social subsidy platformAnd that he is between 18 to 25 years old.

When the house is formed, the applicant can create more than one house, then add each follower to the house to which he belongs, and this option is used when the citizen is married to more than one wife or in the event of multiple families to the family, where the house is formed with his followers of the residents in it, thenThe applicant selects the type of housing unit, whether it is a tenant or a property, then complete the rest of the data related to the formation of a house in social security developer 1443.

The social security program developed for the divorced woman 1443

The status of the request submitted in the new social security program is found through the electronic support and social support platform for social security only, as the applicant whose file has been completed will be notified after twenty days from the date of submission with a text message on the registered mobile, as is doneSee the request status through the applications icon in the main list.

The Social Security Program has approved the possibility of providing the divorced woman who lives with her family on the new social security as an independent family, provided that there are children with it, so the divorced woman has a son or more and lives in the family’s residence or others is registered by the family of a family and added their children as their followers, to get the amount estimated fromSupport for the family, which is 100 riyals.

And you do not need to prove the independence of housing, and it must add its followers properly, and if the subordinate is added, the income must be fully disclosed to all individuals when obtaining alimony from the father, and the income here is calculated within regular assistance, where you can choose the type of support “regular help“Through the support and social protection platform.

As for the divorced woman, she does not have children, it is registered as a follower of the family of the family residing with her, and the entitlement will be studied within the family members, and in the event of acceptance, you get the amount scheduled for the dependent which is “550 riyals”, and the application for the new social security is available 1443, in addition to inquiring about the eligibility of the guaranteeSocial developed in the civil registry now.

Social Security Inquire of Admission and Civil

The support platform allows the ability to inquire about the results of eligibility and entitlement to the applicant whose unified file has completed 100%, and the admitted people are notified after 20 days from the date of success of the guarantee request successfully through a text message on the mobile phone registered with the system, and eligibility and eligibility can be found fromDuring logging in the guarantee site and clicking on the request icon, then clicking on the request status.

All information will be presented, and the situation has changed to "under the audit", and the request under the audit means that it is studied by the competent authority to know whether the applicant deserves the pension or not, and it must be noted that the new social security program targets all family members in one residence except for the divorced woman who hasSon or more, it is recorded as an independent family.

Therefore, the monthly income is calculated for all individuals and not only for the family of the family, and this is done in order to estimate the entitlement and verify the availability of the conditions of the eligibility of social security developed 1443, then acceptance or rejection is made with the reason for the reason for the rejection, and in the event of acceptance in the new guarantee program, the beneficiary is notified of a text message.On the system registered in the system as a result of the case study.

It is also possible to inquire about the status of the request to find out whether the acceptance has been done or that it is still under the audit that means that the application submitted is still under study by the competent authority, and the ministry may be late in announcing the results of eligibility and entitlement until the completion of the advanced cases of cases, so please wait until it is announcedThe issuance of the eligibility to the new applicants formally.

The date for the disbursement of the new social security is 1443

The dues will be deposited for the new applicants admitted to the program of supporting the developed social security beneficiaries after the completion of the study of advanced cases, and the applicants with complete applications will be notified in a gradual manner, so it is necessary to wait for the competent authority to finish studying the applications submitted adequately, but it must be noted that it has not specified a dateFixed to deposit the pension.

Rather, the ministry stated that the dues will be paid in the month following the issuance of eligibility, and the security pension has been deposited for the current beneficiaries in the first of the current Hijri month, as the current beneficiaries can inquire social security to know the amount due and whether it was deposited or not, but is it necessaryRegistration in the developed social security of the current beneficiaries?Or will the new program be included in them without the need to register on the support platform, and here the ministry answered by calculating customer care in the following answer:

Social Security Program, developer registration 1443

Customer Care Account on Twitter explained that if there is a stopping of services with the family of the family, the application is available to the social security system developed for the family by choosing one of its members to be the family, whether one of the children or the wife, and it is required to complete the registration process that the applicant exceeds the age of eighteen years.

The father is added upon registration of the request within the followers, and he must accept the link as a follow -up and approval of the request through the social support platform, and in the event of accepting the program after the completion of the case study and the issuance of the eligibility of social security developed by acceptance, the social security developed in the applicant's bank account will be descended.

It is necessary to ensure that the bank account number is entered properly until the number is successfully verified, as it is possible to enter the social support and subsidies platform and the case of the request appears before you that it has been successfully verified, and this means that the validity of the registered account has been confirmed and that it is in the name of the applicant, and in the case ofThe emergence of a non -verification message, as this confirms the existence of an error in the number or not in the name of the applicant.

When filling in income data in the unified file for the applicant, all types of income must be disclosed for all individuals, and the ministry explained that the sources of income to be disclosed are multiple, which are salaries, a public or private sector, and it includes cash and in -kind wages, additional fare, allowances, bonuses, aid from government programs, and the returns of private projectsFree activities such as street vendors and taxis, ownership entry from rents, and ongoing transfers.

The state of social security developed today

Human resources emphasized that the social security system is a new start with an advanced version that enables the beneficiaries and qualified to provide appropriate cash support for them and their material condition by setting mechanisms that ensure the arrival of the due pension for the most needy groups, and the ministry confirmed that the pension does not stop until the registration is completed inThe social support and protection platform for the current beneficiaries, where registration can be registered without fear of depriving the security pension according to the old system.

The results of the eligibility have started gradually for the applicants in social security developed 1443, as the status of the request today has changed from the audit to (qualified - inaccurate - successfully verified - non -verification), where the ministry announces the results gradually for the owners of complete applications.

The reason for not verifying the account may be due to the number of error in the number or because it is not in the name of the applicant, but if it is successful successfully, this means that the competent authority has been fulfilled from the validity of the number and that the name of the applicant with a request for the developed guarantee, so all applicants must ensure that fill outCorrectly bank account data, in addition to the need to see the status of the request through the social support and subsidies platform.

As for the reasons for the lack of eligibility in the developed social security, the ministry clarified the reasons for the lack of eligibility according to the data received from the source, as follows (the number of vehicles owned by the applicant - the prison status - the presence outside the Kingdom is more than 12 months - the number of professional workers is available 1 or more- The number of domestic workers is more than 2 - exceeding the monthly income of family members, the barrier to social security) exceeding).

Developed social security today

The messages sent to those admitted to social security included the date of exchange to be during the next week, and according to the date set to deposit the dues in the bank accounts of the beneficiaries who were issued a decision of the new developed social security eligibility, the first batch pension has been transferred to the bank accounts registered in the unified file with the start of the hoursThe first of Thursday morning on the twentieth of January 2022 AD corresponding to the seventeenth of the month of Jumada al -Akhera for the year 1443 AH, and pending the announcement of those admitted within the second batch.

Where the applicants who did not make the final decision are awaited and did not send them the text message that is useful for acceptance or rejection in the program of supporting the developed social security beneficiaries to announce the results of admission and eligibility, the second batch, where the eligibility is scheduled to be announced during the current Gregorian month "February", and until the issuance ofThe decision is officially, it is necessary to wait until the competent authority finishes studying the advanced cases in a sufficient in preparation for the announcement of social security developer, the second batch..

It is necessary that some of the applicants have been rejected in the developed social security because there is no active lease contract on a rental platform, so the reason for not qualifying in social security must be avoided based on the absence of an electronic lease contract before applying for social security 1443, when the request submitted and the type was filed and chosen was chosenThe housing unit "tenant", the active electronic rental contract number must be filled on a rental platform.

How do I know that I am acceptable in social security developer 1443

Learn about the state of eligibility and the result of admission through the social security support platform by filling the ID number and the password, then clicking on the requests, then clicking on the eye icon located below the request case, and all the details of the request will be presented in terms of the date of application and its condition, and from here the applicant can inquireOn the state of social security developed in the civil registry and the password.

In the event that the final decision is issued by the committee concerned with studying the applications submitted to the program developed by the lack of eligibility, and the reason is that the records of the Public Authority for Zakat indicate that the tax registered on the commercial registry of the family exceeds the minimum, then an objection must be submitted by clicking on the icon below, then attachingA modern document proving the payment of the tax scheduled for the applicant, and whoever wants to log in his account in social security, he can now know the status of social security developer 1443.

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