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Computer review for the first preparatory grade, first term, 2021-2022

The first preparatory class computer review, the first term 2021-2022 is one of the most things that students and students want to search for in the current period, with the start of the first semester exams.

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Review of the first preparatory class computer, first term 2021

We publish for you a binding for the first preparatory class computer review, first term 2021-2022:

The first topic: The Basics of the Computer System:

The computer is an electronic device that enters the data, stores it and processes it to access information.

Computer shapes: office, mobile, smart devices, such as tablets or mobile.

The basic elements of the computer system:

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Arabic language exam for the first preparatory grade, first term

Physical components.


Data and information.

مراجعة حاسب آلي للصف الأول الإعدادي ترم أول 2021 -2022

Human element.

Data: The raw material for information, a set of facts obtained by viewing or observation.

Data forms: texts, numbers, photos, video, sounds.

Treatment: process of data.

Business: Data processing output, data processed to become meaningful to achieve a specific removal.

Information forms: reports, tables, fees.

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Human element: له عدة أنواع مثل: محلل نظم، مصمم، مبرمج، مستخدم.

Physical components: مكونات يمكن رؤيتها بالعين ولمسها باليد.

أنواع Physical components: وحدات الأدخال، وحدة النظام، وحدات التخزين، وحدات الإخراج.

Input units: Data entry devices, such as the Valentine Panel, drawing plate, touch plate, touch screen, mouse, rotating ball, control stick, scanner, penis, microphone, digital camera, web camera.

System Unit is a basic data processing component: such as the main memory, the processor, the motherboard.

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Main memory of two types:

Ram: Temporary Memory.

ROM: permanent memory.

Temporary Memory Ram: Check its contents when the electrical current is interrupted and its content can be modified.

Permanent memory ROM: Do not lose their contents when the current is interrupted and its contents cannot be modified.

ملاحظة هامة: روم: ذاكرة تحتوي على Programs الأساسية اللازمة لتشغيل الجهاز بيوس ونظام التشغيل.

Central processing unit: responsible for data processing to perform computational and logical operations on them.

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