Afghan activists want to stay and work for women's rights
Unless it is clear so far, how will the fate of hundreds of Afghan women who have supported the diplomatic efforts of the United States and NATO (NATO) during the past two decades, and thousands of society activists throughout the country, who have been defending women.What happens to women who helped US officials, worked at the American embassy in Kabul, and who do not allow aid programs?And women who stood alongside foreign activists in their country to pressure for the progress of women and girls?
At the present time, the Afghan activists who reached the age of adulthood in the two decades, who followed the "Taliban" left in 2001, are facing urgent options: Do they remain in Afghanistan and continue their work on the ground?Or are they looking for safety in a neighboring country or an external haven such as the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom?A generation of Afghan leaders who remain defending for the progress of Afghan women and girls and their country in this process, faces a big dilemma, and difficult options, and they must now decide their fate, with a little opportunity to obtain help from their former allies.Their fate is now a large question mark that has no clear answer, and they feel that they have a deep responsibility and real consequences.
Camilla my friend
For some, the most appropriate option is to stay, at least for as long as possible. هذه هي إجابة Camilla my friend عند سؤالها عن خطوتها التالية.During the Russian invasion, the Afghan civil war and the rule of the "Taliban", she never left her country.The missiles were actually united to continue their studies in its high school, while Kabul was witnessing instability.Her father has provided the flag for his nine daughters from a young age, in order to become a patriotism to serve their nation and love their land.During the nineties, when the Taliban ruled Kabul, I remained my friend in the city and founded a sewing operator, and fled job opportunities for women and girls in the neighborhood in which she lives, including the "Taliban" daughters..I spent a lot of time together since 2005, discussing the future, and has been more design and more interested in the next generation.
Fighting for survival
She has a chance to leave Afghanistan, but she preferred to fight for survival, and move forward in the field of consulting, hired dozens of women and trained hundreds of them on the basics of business.The current political uncertainty shades its shadow over the future of business of all kinds, yet she still feels that she must stay inside the country and not leave it, despite the fear that she feels - for the first time ever - in its mother city.She says that things seem more dangerous in Afghanistan, even more than they were in previous years, yet she feels that she must stay with the majority of people in her country and take care of her children, earn a decent fee, and the struggle for a better future.
"People who live in Afghanistan need jobs, they need to work, and they need to survive," says my friend..
Women courageous
Other women are forced to work abroad in order to stay safe while their hearts remain in Afghanistan, and they provide assistance to those who are in danger.Among these Afghan activists and the Furrj, who has been working for peace within several years.She joined the Supreme Council of Peace, and has worked since the first first decade of the 21st century as a peace activist and a defender for women and girls.She participated in the establishment of the "Organization for Women and Peace" a decade ago, and played an active role in the Afghan women network. منحتها وزارة الخارجية الأميركية جائزة «Women courageous» في عام 2009.In her family, women broke all types of taboos in the public service, the private sector and academic circles.
Safety in America
تركت الآن كل أحبائها في بلدها وسافرت بحثاً عن Safety in America الشمالية.Its activity begins every night from 11:30 pm, talking to women who are dangerous in all Afghan provinces and ask for her help.From Saturday night to Sunday morning, she remains working to help women from Hirat, Kandahar and Halmand.Now, with the closing of airports and the failure of the phone lines in Afghanistan, it means that the arrival of activists to safety is not only very dangerous, but very difficult.Until the transfer of a family from one area to another is not easy now, not to mention the transition from one province to another, especially with intermittent cell phone connections.
She says, "It is very complicated, I feel guilty because I had the opportunity to save my life while such an opportunity has not been available for tens or hundreds, or thousands of other women", but it is added, "but at the same time I feel that I have an opportunity to deliver their voices, and this means somethingFor me".Frog entered into a conflict with her decision to leave Afghanistan, but in the end she felt that she had to continue speaking on behalf of others, and in order to provide assistance to those who relied on her, she had to provide protection for herself.
Make life possible for women
Narges Nihan's balance closely between the need to preserve her life and the duty to protect others.This survivor of breast cancer leads a non -governmental organization that focuses on women and building peace, she does everything in her power to avoid risk, her mother, who has been close to her, told her that she wants to reconcile with everything that comes.
وتقول نيهان: «لقد كرّست حياتي لهذا العمل، وأحب أن أرفع صوت أولئك الذين لا صوت لهم»، وتسترسل «إذا ساعدت شخصاً ما، فهذا يعني بالنسبة لي أكثر من طمأنينة يوم كامل، ولهذا السبب فضلت البقاء في بلادي، وأعتقد أن هذا هو الوقت المناسب لنMake life possible for women والفتيات».
Like Ferroj, Nihan spent most of the last short period speaking to women and men in Kandahar, Halmand and Herat who had to flee from their homes, and left their property behind the result of the fighting, and is now struggling to obtain more support from the United States, Europe and the other "NATO" allies for women who have noNow a place they go to and no safe shelter running for him."We have no choice but to return to our struggle," she says.."We must talk about peace in Afghanistan, and we should not abandon this responsibility, no matter how bad the situation, the world should not look at us as victims who are pleading for support. Afghan women have been a fixed and loyal partner of the international community over the past 20 years.We have never changed our position regardless of how difficult the situation is, and we will continue our struggle ».
What awaits Afghanistan women?
During the first period of "Taliban", Afghan women established commercial businesses in their homes, worked in schools in schools, worked a doctor, occupied jobs in health -related non -governmental organizations..They worked for a brighter path for the next generation.This time it will not be different.
The Afghan woman will push forward, whatever happens.The only question is what the extent of injustice and repression that women will face under the rule of the "Taliban": Will the "Taliban" again strike with sticks and television cables women who challenge the current situation?Will the "Taliban" imprison the women who disagree with their rules, and will the movement prevent women from going to work or university?Will parents be forced to deliver their daughters - sometimes teenage girls only - to marry the movement's fighters?Is there an opportunity for the world to provide diplomatic, political and economic support for women on the front lines where they are fighting for their future and the future of their country?At the present time it seems that the answer to this is no.If this is the case, this is a loss for all of us.
• During the first period of "Taliban", Afghan women established commercial businesses in their homes, worked in schools in schools, worked a doctor, occupied jobs in health -related non -governmental organizations..
• A generation of Afghan leaders who have been defending for the progress of Afghan women and girls and their country in this process, faces difficult options, and they must now decide their fate, with a little opportunity to obtain help from their former allies.
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