• 15 Oct 22
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5 steps to clean the Apple Watch watch without causing any damage to the seventh day

الرئيسيةعلوم و تكنولوجيا الأحد، a8 يوليه a019 0Kh:00 صساعة Camel
أمنية فايداضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء

Like the rest of the other smart devices, Apple Watch users require them to clean it periodically to ensure the longevity of their smart watch, in addition to cleaning the watch bracelet to reduce the chances of irritation of the skin, as the Apple Watch cleaning regularly is important to ensure your comfort and maintain it alike, and the site provides "Business Insider "Clean your Apple Watch methods correctly..

1.Turn off Apple Watch by pressing, holding the side button and removing it from the charger in the event of a connection.

Kh خطوات لتنظيف ساعة Apple Watch دون التسبب بأى تلف اليوم السابع

a.If you are using a waterproof bracelet, remove it from your watch.

P.Wipe the Apple Watch with a non -rough cloth free from lint to clean it, and you can gently moisturize the fabric with fresh water, if necessary to remove oily or sticky materials.

4.You can also expose the watch to warm water, but do not use any soap or other cleaning products.

Kh.Dry Apple Watch with a soft cloth free and stri.

Camel ساعة Camel Camel وتش تظيف ساعة Camelاضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء

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